
How Much Does It Cost To Remove A Bee Hive


In this guide

Bee Nest Removal Price by Type of Bee
Average Cost of Bee Removal by Location
Bee Removal Prices By Size of Infestation
Bee Removal Cost by Visitor
Bee Removal Price
Bee Exterminator Price
Bee Removal Process
All About Bees
Can Bees Impairment Your House?
Are Bees Dangerous to Humans?
What Attracts Bees?
Signs of a Bee Infestation
Emergency Bee Removal
How to Prevent Bees from Coming Back
Wasp vs Bee
Additional Considerations

Bee Nest Removal Cost by Blazon of Bee

There are actually a number of different types of bees in the world. The most common to exist found on your property, though, will probable autumn into one of four categories:

Cost to Remove Bumble Bee, Carpenter Bee, Honey Bee, or Killer Bee Nest

Cost to Remove Bumble Bee, Carpenter Bee, Honey Bee, or Killer Bee Nest

Type of Bee Average Removal Price
Bumble Bee $80 - $200
Carpenter Bee $100 - $2,500
Honey Bee $100 - $1,000
Killer Bee $150 - $800

Bumble Bee Removal Cost

If a bumble bee infestation has become troublesome, it should only cost between $eighty and $200 to treat the nest. Bumble bees are larger, yet alive in much smaller nests. A bumblebee nest will only take up to l bees in it at one time. They alive in areas in or near the ground, such as in your yard or nether your deck. Bumble bees by and large have a mellow temperament and are unlikely to sting, unless they feel threatened. However, they can sting multiple times. As with other types of bees, the sting should only exist dangerous if allergic to bee stings. Since bumble bees are not usually ambitious and their nests rarely cause impairment to homes, information technology is unlikely that they will need to be removed.

Bumble Bee on a Flower

Carpenter Bee Removal Toll

Carpenter bee extermination costs range from equally low as $100 to as high as $2,500 if carpentry repairs are needed. Carpenter bees are solid black, and just the females are able to sting. Their sting should not exist dangerous, unless allergic to bee stings. They make their homes past burrowing deep inside forest, specially on decks and in attics. They can do serious structural damage to your dwelling house if non removed in a timely style. Carpenter bees are more solitary creatures, then information technology is unlikely to have a large infestation. Nevertheless, in that location could exist several pocket-sized burrows located around your dwelling house. The damage may get severe if carpenter bee treatment is not performed equally before long as possible.

Carpenter Bee Pollinating a Sunflower

Love Bee Removal Cost

The cost range for removing honeybees is vast, ranging from as low every bit $100 for outside removal to as high every bit $1,000 for removal from walls or ceilings. Honeybees are social, living in big swarms of up to 50,000 in one nest. Fifty-fifty a new nest may have up to 9000 bees living in it at i time. A honey bee can sting, merely usually only does so when feeling threatened, and it can simply sting one time. The sting tin be life threatening to anyone who is allergic to bee stings, but to near people, it will only hurt for a pocket-sized amount of fourth dimension. Beloved bee nest removal by a company that offers these services can be one of the nigh costly because of the large nature of their nests and the fact that dealing with the honey can leave things quite sticky. Honey bee removal cost will depend on the size and location of the nest.

Honeybee on a Daisy

Killer Bee Removal Cost

Removal/extermination of killer bees should price betwixt $150 and $800 since their colonies are fairly small. The killer bee, also known equally "Africanized honey bees," tin be frightening because of their aggressive nature. They are slowly spreading throughout the U.s.a. and are generally more likely to swarm and attack in larger groups. When ane bee stings, a pheromone released causes other nearby bees to get agitated and attack. Even though a killer bee dies subsequently 1 sting, multiple stings from a number of bees can make an attack fatal, specially if allergic to bee stings. Killer bees can live underground, in rocks, or effectually buildings. They are quick to leave a nest if it is disturbed and take up residence elsewhere.

Killer Bee on a Small White Flower

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Average Price of Bee Removal past Location

The location plays an important function in the overall price of your bee removal, with prices ranging between $100 and $ane,500. The cost goes up for locations that are more difficult to reach, such every bit in the soffits  ane , behind walls, in high trees, or below siding. The main reason the cost increases is it requires more labor to complete. Beneath you will come across the average costs for removing bees from some of the virtually common locations.

Average Cost to Remove Bees from Shed, Garage, Ground, Attic, Chimney, Window Frame, Basement...

Average Cost to Remove Bees from Shed, Garage, Ground, Attic, Chimney, Window Frame, Basement...

Location Boilerplate Toll for Removal
Shed $100 - $500
Garage $100 - $600
Ground $100 - $700
Roof $200 - $800
Cranium $200 - $ane,000
Chimney $200 - $i,500
Window Frame $250 - $450
Basement $250 - $1,000
Walls $800 - $one,500

How to Get Rid of Bees in Shed

If you need to have bees removed from the shed, you can look to pay between $100 and $500. The cost for this removal is less costly than others since the area is usually easier to admission than others, and information technology is situated outdoors. If bees were to escape during the removal, it would cause less of a problem than if it occurred in the house. For most cases, you lot can look to pay on the lower end unless you are dealing with carpenter bees that have begun to burrow into the wood.

Bee Nest in Garage Removal

Removing a bees nest in a garage can cost betwixt $100 and $600. The process is similar to removal from a shed, though the removal specialist will have to be careful to keep the bees from venturing into the house. Since garages ofttimes provide for wider spaces and not likewise high of ceilings, the cost for removal is relatively less expensive than other places. If y'all notice a hive in your garage, you may want to leave the door open to encourage as many to go out before the removal process.

Bee Nest in Ground Removal

Ground removal of bees runs between $100 and $700. The depth of the bees and the size of the nest determines which part of the range your removal costs will be. The outdoor location of this removal makes it 1 of the least costly, though excavation upward the nest volition take additional labor than simply removing a hive from a tree. Footing bees prefer dry soil to make their nests, so the soil should be easy to supercede after removal.

Remove Bees from Roof

You tin expect to pay between $200 and $800 to have a bee'due south nest removed from the roof. If the nest is on a offset story, it will be less costly to remove than if the removal specialist has to remove it from a second story or college. Most often, bees make their nests along the eaves  2 or the overhang of the roof. Occasionally they build them in cracks forth the roofline, which tin make the removal procedure more complicated.

Bees in the Attic Removal

Removing bees from an attic tin be more than expensive, costing between $200 and $one,000. If the hive is in an open area that is easy for the specialist to remove while standing, you lot will pay less. The process tin can take longer and is more than irksome every bit the location in the house means they volition have to be more cautious not to ship the bees off to other areas in the house. If the bees are hiding in the eaves or ceiling of the cranium, you will spend more to remove them. Often, repairs volition be required after the removal.

Remove Bees from Chimney

Removing bees from a chimney can run anywhere between $200 and $1,500 depending on the location of the nest. If yous suspect you have bees in your chimney, do not light a fire. Beeswax is highly flammable and can issue in a dangerous situation. Seal off the bottom of your chimney to preclude the bees from coming into your home and contact a specialist. Beekeepers will come to remove as many bees safely every bit they tin can but will unlikely be able to remove the hive. Bee removal specialists will then decide where the hive is in the chimney and remove it. If masonry work is required to get to the hive, you tin wait to pay more.

Bees in Window Frame

If you lot have bees in a window frame in your home, y'all may pay anywhere between $250 and $450 to remove them. Bees similar to brand their nests in prophylactic places where they tin be hidden. Window frames, especially those close to overhangs, are prime spots. To remove bees from a window frame, your specialist volition have to remove the frame to access them. The frame will probable accept to be replaced because it probably has suffered impairment from the bees' presence.

How to Get Rid of Bees in the Basement

Removal of bees from a basement tin be simple or difficult, depending on where they make up one's mind to brand their nest. You can wait to pay between $250 and $ane,000 for their removal. Walkout basements tin can be less expensive for removal every bit they are easier to access than enclosed basements. If the bees accept made their mode into the rafters or ceiling surface area of the basement, you can await to pay more than.

Cost to Remove Bees from Wall

If you have adult an infestation of bees in the walls of your home, the removal of the bees and the nest tin can be quite expensive. You tin can pay anywhere between $800 and $1,500, depending on the severity of the infestation in the walls. The inspection procedure and labor tin accept longer. Your professional will take to remove enough of the wall to allow them to access the bees and the nest. Afterwards removal, you can expect some repair costs.

Bee Removal Prices By Size of Infestation

While the location and type of bee being removed can play a role in the removal price, so can the size of the infestation. You will pay betwixt $80 and $ii,500 depending on the size of infestation every bit unlike levels of infestation require differing amounts of labor and resources. In cases of severe infestation, extermination may be required if all the bees cannot safely be relocated without causing significant damage to your home.

A small-scale infestation may involve a nest or two in the home or along the overhangs of the outside of the firm, where a severe infestation will probable involve the presence of bees throughout the walls in your abode.

Below you will see the average cost you can expect to pay based on the level of infestation.

Cost to Remove a Small, Medium, Large, or Severe Bee Infestation

Cost to Remove a Small, Medium, Large, or Severe Bee Infestation

Size of Infestation Average Price for Removal
Small $80 - $200
Medium $250 - $600
Large $700 - $1,200
Astringent $ane,500 - $2,500

Rent a local pest control visitor to remove a bee nest

Bee Removal Price past Visitor

Several companies offer bee removal services. On average, y'all can expect to pay between $100 and $500 for their services. While most of the companies use similar methods for removal, what they cover in the toll of their services varies. In about cases, these companies take a network of beekeepers they know to assist them with the relocation process. Below you volition see the boilerplate cost yous will pay for removal based on the visitor that you choose.

Average Cost of Ehrlich, Terminix, or Orkin Bee Removal Services

Average Cost of Ehrlich, Terminix, or Orkin Bee Removal Services

Company Average Cost
Ehrlich $100 - $200
Terminix $100 - $500
Orkin $150 - $400

Ehrlich Bee Removal

Erlich bee removal services run between $100 and $200 for a service. This service typically includes the removal of the nest in one case the bees have been relocated. Ehrlich does not include a bee inspection in their cost, so yous can wait to add that if you lot have not already had an inspection. Their cost is lower only does not offer repairs that may be necessary due to the removal process. While they do have 45 offices throughout the U.S., they are not in every region.

Terminix Bee Removal Cost

Terminix offers the widest range in pricing for bee removal, ranging from $100 to $500. The price for their services increases with the complication of the example and the level of infestation. Their price includes an initial inspection and consultation where they volition determine the appropriate course of action. While repairs after the nest and bee removal are mainly the responsibility of the homeowner, their price may include simple repairs such every bit reinstalling an undamaged window frame. Terminix locations are bachelor in nigh regions.

Orkin Bee Removal Costs

Orkin removal costs range between $150 and $400. Their services include an initial inspection and modest repairs such as replacement of wood pieces or doors that were removed. Otherwise, repairs will exist at the expense of the homeowner. Orkin offers basic guarantees of their services and will return for additional removal if the chore was non completed satisfactorily. Orkin has locations shut to most regions in the U.S.

Bee Removal Cost

There are a few ways that bees can be removed or exterminated. The management you take will be based partly on the type of bees being removed, as well as the surface area, and whatever regulations nearby. In that location are many companies that volition tackle the live removal of the bees and their nest from your home. This will involve reaching the nest, potentially by opening walls in your habitation, smoking to quiet the bees, and then the removal of the entire nest and all the bees. Some of these companies will then brand repairs to the area they removed the bees from at a further cost to you lot.

Some beekeepers volition fifty-fifty remove a healthy nest for free, but most charge a fee. The price really comes down to how hard it is to access the nest. If the bees take taken up residence inside walls or ceilings, expect higher costs. A nest located outside of the house can cost as little as $80 to remove, but nests located on the 2nd story of a habitation inside of the walls can cost over $1,500 to remove. Nest removal costs commencement at effectually $80 after assessment for just the removal of the nest.

Bee Inspection

In nearly cases, calling a bee removal specialist will result in an inspection of the nest. Some companies volition curlicue this price into the removal toll, but others volition charge a separate fee, especially in the instance of a big infestation. This inspection runs around $150 to $250, and will assistance the specialist determine the type of bee and the best way to get rid of it.

Bee in a Bee Nest

Bee Exterminator Toll

Depending on where you live, and what the local bee population is similar, yous may take a hard time finding a pest company who will kill the bees; some will offering removal services, while others will but pass on the job. If information technology's been determined that the simply way to remove the bees is to impale them, you will need to pay an exterminator.

While it isn't necessarily illegal to impale bees anywhere in the U.South., at that place are strong federal guidelines that push button for relocation measures to exist used for bumble bees and honeybees since they are benign pollinators and crusade little damage.

Carpenter bees are oftentimes a candidate for extermination as they create their nests by drilling holes into wood. In the wild, this is fine, but when they infest your domicile, information technology can lead to major structural problems. Whether a pest control specialist decides to remove or exterminate carpenter bees will be adamant afterwards the initial inspection. In cases where they are burrowed well into the domicile, extermination may be the only pick. Exterminator costs range from $250 to $500 on boilerplate.

Killer bees may or may non be exterminated. They can be overly aggressive, making humans fearful of them, just they are not every bit unsafe as ofttimes portrayed unless you take a bee allergy. Some beekeepers volition keep killer bees, then that option is usually explored offset.

Bee Removal Procedure

The bee removal process starts with gaining admission to the location of the bees. This can include opening up walls or ceilings, unearthing a footing nest, or clearing away brush or branches. One time the surface area is easily accessible, a beekeeper or bee specialist volition apply a humane vacuum to draw the bees in and and so put them into a temporary hive.

Once as many of the bees have been removed every bit possible, it is fourth dimension to remove the nest or hive. If there are bees however on the combs, the beekeeper may gently remove the combs and place them into the temporary hive too.

The bee removal specialist will then remove the remainder of the pieces of the hive and make clean the area, making certain all beeswax is removed as it is highly flammable. Afterward removal, repairs may need to exist made if there was damage.

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All Nigh Bees

Bees are flying insects that are related to wasps and ants. Some bees are known for producing honey, and all are known for their part in pollination, which makes them an important species to protect. They are good for the stability of the ecosystem and also for commercial agriculture.

Certain species of bees colonize and live together, such as honey bees and bumblebees. Other species such as carpenter bees and mason bees are lonely. Bees range in size from equally pocket-size as 0.08 inches to as big as i.54 inches. Stingless bees are the smallest, and leafcutter bees are the largest. They primarily feed on pollen and nectar. Pollen provides them with the protein and nutrients they need. The nectar gives them energy to perform their work. Pollen is likewise used to feed their larvae. The life cycle of bees varies depending on the species, and in the case of social bees, their colonization level. On average, bees live from thirty to xc days after the egg has hatched.

Bees are known for their oval bodies, larger eyes, antenna, and wings. Most volition have orangish or yellow coloring mixed with black, though their specific look depends on their species. Honeybees are mostly black, bumblebees are yellow and blackness striped with fuzzy bodies, and carpenter bees look similar to bumblebees only wing in an erratic pattern. While some species of bees can be aggressive such every bit killer bees that swarm when triggered by loud noises or certain smells, most bees go near their day without bothering humans unless they experience threatened.

Where Do Bees Nest?

The location of the nest is largely dependent on the type of bee that you have living there. Carpenter bees will target outdoor wood structures such as porches, window frames, and decks. Bumblebees will probable target your thousand, likewise as clamber spaces beneath your home. Honeybees are looking for open up areas or structures big enough for their nest. They prefer chimneys, hollow trees, and walls, too every bit crawl spaces and attics.

The location of the nest plays a large role in how easy or difficult it is to remove the bees. Carpenter bees and bumblebees tend to be easier to remove, simply considering their nests are smaller and more likely to exist located in an easy to access area. Honeybees tin can exist more difficult to remove because they like to be contained, which may crave the opening of walls or chimneys to get them out.

Can Bees Damage Your Firm?

The vast majority of the fourth dimension, it's a good thing to take bees around. Unfortunately, in the Spring every bit their number expands, they begin looking for new places to build their homes. In some cases, they will accept up residence in your home or grand. This tin lead to damage that needs additional repair afterward the nests are removed.

Depending on where information technology is located, you may demand to rent a carpenter to help repair the area at a rate of $70 an hr. Removing a honeybee swarm may crave 4 to 6 hours of work afterward to repair the impairment.

Repairing damage done by carpenter bees may accept a minimum of 4 - half dozen hours as well. Carpenter bees can cause impairment to your abode when they brand their nests, equally they like to burrow into woods.

The repairs that are needed volition often exist linked to the location of the bees and how significant the infestation is. When bees accept made their home beneath your deck, y'all will likely accept to make at least minor repairs later the job is completed. Average deck repairs can toll effectually $850.

Another mutual type of repair that may be necessary afterwards bee removal is drywall repair which can toll $240. When bees are in your walls, your exterminator volition have to open up quite a scrap of space in the expanse, requiring the removal of big pieces of drywall. In severe wall infestations, information technology may actually exist necessary to remove a wall, which tin can cost around $2,500.

Are Bees Dangerous to Humans?

While bees are extremely beneficial to the surround and ecosystem, they tin cause issues for humans, especially those who are allergic. Complications from bee stings can range from balmy discomfort to life-threatening conditions.

If yous accept no allergies to bees, a sting will cause pain, swelling, heat, and redness in the area leading to mild discomfort. When someone is allergic to bees, the venom from the sting tin can lead to balmy allergic reactions such as severe swelling and numbness to major medical emergencies such as anaphylaxis. When this occurs, you may have difficulty animate, become light-headed, have your pharynx peachy, have a boring or rapid eye rate, intermission out in hives or lose consciousness. If not treated apace, anaphylaxis can effect in death.

Even if you don't have allergies, multiple stings —a dozen or more— can cause enough venom to enter your system for you to experience nausea, headache, convulsions, fainting, and dizziness. Multiple bee stings are an emergency for older adults, children, and those with heart conditions. This can make swarms of bees peculiarly dangerous.

What Attracts Bees?

Bees may be attracted to your domicile for many reasons. One of the main things that attract bees is the scent of honey. If yous have old hives around your abode, information technology would be beneficial to remove them.

Some other thing that can attract bees is sure colors of plants. They prefer xanthous, blue, and royal varieties and also fragrant flowers, such as lilacs. Flowering fruit and vegetable plants also can attract bees.

Bees await for new homes that can provide them with cover. This gives them protection from both predators and the heat. They prefer to put their hives in subconscious cracks and overhangs and search for pollen through ground embrace that provides shade.

Bees in Nature Looking Around

Consult with a pro when removing a bee nest

Signs of a Bee Infestation

Ordinarily, the get-go sign of a bee infestation that most people detect is the presence of bees around your home. If your infestation is outside, you may observe multiple bees swarming effectually the area and may find a nest in a tree, bush, shed, or other cracks around the outside of your domicile.

If you have a bee infestation within your abode, yous may observe bees and see darkened spots on your walls and ceiling. When honey bees nest, they begin producing honey which can baste out and exit marks close to their nests.

If you have a carpenter bee infestation, you lot may notice minor holes in wood in or around your habitation where they have burrowed to make their nest.

Emergency Bee Removal

If you accept bees in your home or even in your m and are allergic, yous may need emergency bee removal services. You lot can expect to pay $50 to $100 more for this service depending on whether the telephone call is later hours or on a vacation. Depending on the time of the phone call, it may exist more difficult to locate a beekeeper to take the removed bees, which may add $40 to $75 to the overall costs. While most beekeepers remove the bees for gratuitous earlier the exterminator removes the nest, emergency calls to the beekeeper may also incur a fee.

Some of the virtually common emergency calls are related to swarms of bees. Swarms on your porch may forbid y'all from safely entering your home, and swarms in your home may temporarily put you out. Professionals will advise you on what steps to take while you are waiting for their arrival. For instance, if they are coming in a pigsty in your house, you will non want to seal the hole as it may preclude their only means of escape. Additionally, you may be advised to turn on your air conditioner. Bees discover it hard to fly when the temperature is common cold enough and may fall to the ground.

How to Prevent Bees from Coming Back

In that location are many things that a homeowner tin do to make their properties less attractive to bees looking for a home. Have a look around your property and search for places that bees might similar to alive in, as well as minor holes in the siding that could let entry to bees. Clean upwards piles of leaves, branches, and weeds and repair any holes in the exterior of your home. This is especially important around the entrances to the dwelling house. Use caulking  three or expanding foam spray to seal upwards whatever holes or gaps. Other places that look exciting to bees include empty pipes, garden sheds, and empty plant containers or buckets.Try not to leave these things lying around and inspect them ofttimes for signs of infestation. Bees tend to look for new homes from March to July, so this is the virtually important fourth dimension to be alert.

Another thing to endeavor is bee repellent spray. Apply the spray yourself, or have a pest control company come to your home. A one-time visit to apply a bee repellent spray to the perimeter of your habitation should cost between $l and $200.

Wasp vs Bee

Many people will utilize the terms wasp and bee interchangeably, though they are completely dissimilar insects. The confusion is considering many people find it difficult to tell them apart. While they look similar, their behavior is quite different. Bees are gentle and will only show aggression when protecting their hive or defending themselves.

Wasps will become ambitious at slight provocation and sting if annoyed. They tend to be brighter in colour, shinier, and take a bright yellowish coloring which earns them the term "yellow jacket." You tin tell a wasp's nest from a bee's as information technology will appear more breakable and paper-like. Beehives will have a more hexagonal shape and be filled with comb. When you accept a wasp infestation, they volition be exterminated instead of rehomed like bees. You lot tin can expect to pay effectually $390 for a wasp nest to be removed. The average toll to remove a bee's nest runs a little college at around $550. The additional costs are mostly related to the attempts to relocate the bees instead of exterminating them.

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Additional Considerations and Costs

  • Free nest removal. While not common in every area, in that location are times when a local beekeeper may come and remove the nest or swarm for y'all for no cost. If you lot are sure the bees are honeybees, and they are fairly accessible, attempt calling local beekeepers first to see if they will handle the job before moving on to other sources.
  • Swarms. Bees swarm in the spring and early summer. If you encounter a swarm, phone call your local apiculturist; they may come up capture it for free earlier information technology has a chance to create a nest on your property. If they charge, you probable will simply be charged between $50 and $100 for the procedure. Never throw rocks or sticks at swarms; they are typically non-aggressive even if they practice announced slightly frightening. Provoking the swarm may result in them stinging in self defense.


  • How much does alive bee removal cost?

A bee specialist is the best person to call for bee nest removal. If a bee specialist is difficult to observe, call a pest control company. They can either help you or refer you to someone who can.

  • How do I go rid of a bees nest?

It is all-time to remove a nest in the evening when the bees are less active. If possible, remove the hive in late winter or early spring when fewer bees present are present.

  • Who practice yous call to remove a bees nest?

It is possible that a beekeeper may come remove the nest at no toll. This will usually only happen for honey bees and this service cannot be found in every area.

  • When should you lot remove a bees nest?

Average homeowners policies volition not cover bee removal. In that location are exclusions for birds, insects, rodents, vermin, and domestic animals in most policies.

  • How do I get rid of bees for free?

At that place are many factors that can affect the toll to remove a bee nest. A pocket-sized nest that is on the exterior of a house and is like shooting fish in a barrel to become to volition cost about $80. A nest that is located in a hard-to-reach area, such as a wall or ceiling, will cost closer to $550 or more depending on the extent of the harm to the house.

  • Is bee removal covered by homeowners insurance?

It is best to call a professional and accept them come and remove the nest. Relocation is best since bees are then of import to nature.

  • How much does information technology cost to remove a bees nest?

Live bee removal costs between $80 and $1,500 depending on the level of infestation, the location of the bees, and how difficult it is to access the nest.

Remodeling Terms Cheat Canvass

Definitions in laymen's terms, toll considerations, pictures and things you need to know.
Run across total crook sheet.

glossary term picture Soffit 1 Soffits: Structure material, typically equanimous of vinyl or aluminum, used to enclose the underside of eaves and ceilings

two Eaves: The edge of a roof that connects with the wall of the building. Ordinarily this role of the roof comes out farther than the wall

glossary term picture Caulking 3 Caulking: A chemical sealant used to make full in and seal gaps where two materials join, for instance, the tub and tile, to create a watertight and airtight seal. The term "caulking" is also used to refer to the process of applying this type of sealant


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